about first
baptist church
As a local church body, we are convinced that our primary purpose is know God and to make Him known to all people. This simple truth is at the heart of the ministry of First Baptist Church.
We also believe that the Word of God can transform lives and so we have placed it at the center of all we do and say. We are by no means a showcase of perfect believers, but we are people that are committed to following Christ more and more each day. We would love for you to join with us wherever you are at in the course of your life.
Whether you are at rock bottom, a new Christian, someone who has been away from the faith for a time, or a committed follower, we have a place for you. Come join us as we seek to know God better and make Him known to all people!
We believe that God the Son, Jesus Christ, shed his blood to pay for man's sin and was raised from the dead to provide perfect righteousness for those who believe salvation is a free gift of God's love, mercy and grace which cannot be earned by any virtue or work of man, but may only be received by personal faith in Jesus Christ. All those who repent of their sin and believe in and receive Christ as Savior are completely forgiven, born into the family of God and receive eternal life. All those who are genuinely saved are kept eternally secure by God and should demonstrate their salvation by living in obedience to God.
Is there nursery care?Yes! We have trained nursery workers on hand for all of our Sunday services to provide excellent and loving child care for children up to the age of 2. After the age of 2, we have a kid’s program for them that is staffed by adults committed helping your child learn about the basic truths of the Bible and have fun doing it.
What kind of clothes do people at your church wear?All kinds! You go ahead and wear what you are comfortable in.
Is your church handicap accessible?The sanctuary is completely accessible. The main floor of the education building is also handicap accessible.
Does your church use a specific Bible translation?Nope! We make use of various translations.
First Baptist Church seeks to glorify God by discipling biblically literate ambassadors of Christ.
We have embraced a philosophy of simplicity in the structure and organization of our ministries. Each ministry is formed around these simple purposes or pillars as we like to call them:
Discipling believers to maturity in Christ
Faithfully teaching God's Word so believers can KNOW it and LIVE it.
Equipping believers to share the good news of the gospel.

Dr. Steve began his ministry at FBC in June 2012. His passion is preaching and teaching God’s Word and seeing believers grow in their walks with God. His wife Wendy grew up at FBC and they were married here on April 11. 1987. Family is very important to the Witters, and they are the proud parents of two daughters, Joann (David) Crabb and Emily (Ben) Strautmann. They are also Pappy and Mimi to seven of the sweetest grandchildren you will ever meet: Calvin, Lydia, Margaret, and Sadie Crabb; and Anthony, Fiona and Roy Strautmann.

Elders are called by the Holy Spirit and recognized by the congregation as the shepherds and overseers of the local church.